Monday, December 10, 2007

& life can give you a 180 turn in a heart beat..!

When shit hits the fan, that's when you realize how much you love someone, or even if u love them at all..if you don't then "under the spreading chestnut tree, I sold you and you sold me." Under the pressure of death or your biggest fear, you'll give anything up, even your so called lover, just for your own sake. I didn't expect neither of them to have such big love for each other as they made it sound to exist, they just thought they loved one another because they were so alike, just because they both hated the Party with such passion, but love is much more than that, love is giving up your life, going through the biggest struggles and making such big sacrifices for another, love grows within a long period of time. Julia and Winston did many things, but didn't go through struggles and big sacrifices for each other to have grown IN love with each other. Through rough storms you learn to love someone, through hurricanes you prove you really do love them.
Crazy how at the end Winston ended up and died just the way the Party wanted him to die..with a good brain for the Party, loving Big Brother.
This story was crazy. It started off so boring and hard to understand, but some way or the other I started getting so into it, I guess when the story started reaching its climax. Thanks Sipkin, this book was BANANAS!(=

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