Thursday, October 2, 2008

Vocabulary- Incidents In The Life of a Slave Girl

Aim: How is rhetoric illustrated in the preface of Harriet Jacobs’ Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl?
Do Now: From your research: draw a KWL chart in your notebooks and identify 1 aspect of Jacobs’ life.
Recap Mini Lesson of what is Rhetoric:
Think about the Presidential Debate…what rhetoric do you know of exists in the last debate?

Whole Class: Teacher will read aloud the preface of Incidents.
Comprehension check:
Who is being addressed in the preface?
What was purposely done by the author?
What is a preface?
What is a pseudonym?
Literary Analysis:
What are the various settings?
Critical Thinking:
Why do you think she wants to “arouse women of the North to a realizing sense of the condition of two millions of women at the south…most of them far worse” (xiv).

Cooperative Learning:
Identify all the use of Rhetoric and Explain why this is rhetoric. Please use quotations


Read chapters 1-5 for Thursday’s class

preface- Introduction to a book.
pseudonym- fictitious name.
competent- adequately qualified or skilled.
diligent- hardworking.
leisure- free time, for recreation.
compelled- force ;constrain
motives- factor or circumstance that includes a person to act in a particular way.
presumptuous- unduly or overbearingly confident and presuming.
abominations- detest.

pauper- person without means ;begger.
drudger- at menial tasks.
penitentiary-state or federal prision.
deem- regard; consider; judge.
asylum- sanctuary ;protection.
bestowed- award.
piazza- public square or marketplace.
forbearance- patient selfcontrol ;tolerance.
cotempt- feeling of scorn or extreme reproach.
buoyant- able to keep afloat.
quarrels- verbal contention.
martyr- person who suffers or is put to death for refusing to renounce a faith or belief.
flogged- beat with a whip.
inquisition- intensive search or investigation.
seldom- rarely ;not often.
samstress- woman who sews proffessionally.
dower- window's share for life of her husband's estate.